So last night Naomi and I went out for a night on the town. We ended up running into so many old friends which was incredible. And we got to see the inside of the Tanglewood and the Saloon for the first time. Naomi and I woke up at 7 am to find ourselves on my parent's living room couch. I am still a little hung over. I could really go for some Thai food right about now. And some Sydney and Bekah love.
So Sandy, Dan and Josie left today after a totally amazing week. Yesterday Sandy and I went to a dance aerobics class with my mom and Lela (it was sooo much fun). Afterwards Sandy and I went and got massages and then to the Korean women's spa where we ate delicious Korean food and lounged around naked. Maybe because it was the day after Christmas, or maybe its something new that they do there, but they suddenly dimmed the lights and set up all these colorful candles around the mineral baths. It was so beautiful! Then we went over to Anika's for tea and cake, then I got to come home to my lovely birthday dinner and some homemade tiramisu! It was the perfect day, that ended with watching some freaks and geeks by the fire. Now they are gone and Randy is in Eastern Washington and I can't get the "Mr. Lonely" song out of my head. And I just realized I may be getting a cold sore so I called the weekend line at my doctors office and they yelled at me saying it was not an emergency and that I should wait until regular business hours. It was only after I hung up that I thought of all the right things that I should have said back to them. I wish I could be rude sometimes. But I refuse to mope. Or at least I'm trying to resist the urge. I should go read by the fire and take advantage of this time by myself, but I just miss everyone now.
By the way, the new Harmony Korrine movie Mr. Lonely is incredible!