We just took a field trip to the Oly farmer’s market and I haven’t been there in months and it got me so excited and wishing I had money so I could buy all the fruit and nut trees, and the apple butter, oh and the garlic braids with dried flowers woven in, and the black turnips, and the rainbow chard, and the kiwi berries, and the juicy peaches, and the roasted nuts, and the peanut brittle, and fancy cheeses, and fresh salsa, gaahh!!! I need to start working right away and get my foodstamps turned back on so I can get little wooden coins to spend! I start at the tree nursery next week, and I'm also going to start working as a stage hand at concerts with Ashley. She's trying to get me to work costume changes for America's Next Dance Crew. This Saturday I may be in the Urban Exchange fashion show thing that Brita usually does, because Jonathan is doing makeup and asked me if I wanted to be in it. I said yes, but I have no idea what is involved, apparently a lot of standing about and posing as a mannequin. Whatever, I'm mostly going over to the Gig with the intention to can as many vegetable as I have the energy and resources for: mainly tomatoes, tomato sauce, pickled beets, pickled garlic, and maybe pickled cucumbers if I can make it that far. Randy is finally starting the Costco job this weekend with makes me incredibly relieved and happy because I like to eat out every now and then and I am sick of us being broke all the time. He is also applying to Evergreen, hurray! I do love that school of mine, oh and by the way, my Spanish teacher is a lovely energetic lady who is fine with me missing 3 classes to go to Uganda. I am very pleased by this because the class is totally fun and I'm glad I decided to go with it, even if it’s a lot more work to take 20 credits. Whatever, life is good and I am content.
Here is a cutie picture of me and the two Randys (one boyfriend, the other my brother). We were on the way to a tea room that we had gone to before with my Grandmother. We sat at the same table and left the seat empty that she had sat in before, to kind of honor her. It was sad but a good way to remember my Grandma and all the ways our lives have been affected by her. Notice my super amazing pink and orange hair (much thanks to Jonathan, although I did choose the colors). It is the best my hair has looked since like highschool, I think.