Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I got into the program I wanted AND my professors are alright with me leaving for 10 days in the middle of the quarter to go to Uganda! Now I just have to make sure its alright with my Spanish teacher and if its not, I can just drop that class, so I'm not at all worried. This is such a huge relief! Now I am ridiculously excited and I know this will be an amazing quarter.

Its so weird but since I quit smoking I feel like I can do anything now. Like as if that was one of the most difficult obstacles I have had to overcome, and now that I have, I can take on the world! Its been 3 months now, and besides two slip-ups in August, I have not indulged at all. I'm really amazed with myself and I can't help but brag. Really, I have become quite smug!


earth-rabbit said...

yay! i'm so happy for you, boozer. way to stick with it. now you can live a long and happy life and have lots of healthy babies and we can all eat speghetti together later.

Syd said...

Way to go Sue I never doubted your ability to stick with it. I'm glad; you will be rewarded with vigorous health and prosperity!! I’m glad you’re stoked on school too; I hope your Espanola teacher allows you to venture to you far away country in East Africa! Oh how I envy all your fantastic travels. If I lose half my weigh can I fit in your luggage? That would be incentive enough for me to diet hehe :)
