Tomorrow I leave for Sydney. It looks like Hattie and I may only be couchsurfing for one night and then renting a campervan for the rest of the time we have together. Blue Mountains, here we come!
Working at the Salamanca market in Hobart was incredible. Kate sells vintage clothes
that she finds at op shops, and 5 of her friends do the same so there is a nice congregation of cute second-hand clothes available, and then everyone watches eachothers' stuff when they want to wander off into the market.

Christian sold the coolest wooden furniture and tool boxes. I so want to learn how to make my own. I'm thinking of taking a wood working class next year.

Violet Town (population: 600, give or take)- This place has such an amazing active community.
Some highs:
-Staying with foodies is the best! I've never eaten so well in my life.
-Bottling 30 year old port. Golly gosh its bloody delicious!
-All the incredible local wines. My wwoofer hosts spoil me!
-Olives! I'm having a love affair with them at the moment.
-Fresh grapefruit every morning from the tree in the front yard.
-Staying up at the co-op owned ski lodge over the weekend, playing cards by the fire, calculating how many miles are in a light year, and learning to de-bone a fish.
-I finished the book Jitterbug Perfume. It is now one of my favorite books.
-The adorable Violet Town Saturday market.
-Harassing the single chook that lives here. I named her Chooky Chookerton. She hates when I follow her around.
-Riding the 4-wheeler out in the bush.
-Finding a rare legless lizard and trapping it in my Sigg bottle. There is an extremely well-funded wildlife service dedicated to preserving the habitat of legless lizards, so if you find them on your property you could have some help improving your land.
Some lows:
-On the ferry back to the mainland I sat next to this man and it soon became apparent that he had a nasty cold. He began coughing every 5 minutes or so, neglecting to cover his mouth. He pulled out some packaged snacks and chewed so loudly with his mouth open that I really started to feel ill. He had his headphones on because he was watching a movie on his computer so maybe he couldn't hear how ridiculously he was smacking and slobbering. Just then an announcer came on the overhead and told us not to change seats even if there were empty ones. Dude kept coughing and I kept cringing, and I thought no way am I spending the next 10 hours next to this snotfest. I changed one seat over, next to a nice quiet man whose breathing was inaudible. When snotman finally turned off his computer, he put his seat back, turned his body so it completely faced me, then fell asleep snoring loudly and coughing in the exact direction of my head. Suddenly the seat between us did not seem like a wide enough distance at all, but there was nothing to be done. I turned to face the quiet man who kindly offered me some earplugs. My savior! Without them I would have probably freaked out at the drunk German men who stumbled in from one of the bars and kept squeaking their chairs and laughing loudly, exclaiming that the squeaking sounded like a bed in a love hotel and completely ignoring the fact that they were surrounded by people trying to sleep.
-Being discovered by a mob of bees while I bottled the port. Being surrounded by drunk bees makes me edgy.
-Having the 4-wheeler's brake wire snap while I was going down a steep rocky hill.
-Discovering that my legless lizard really did have legs! Tiny and hard to see, those little buggers!
1 comment:
what! the 4-wheelers brake wire snapped? While your were going down a steep rocky hill?! What did you do? could you still stop with the Ebrake or something? That reminds me of the time I was learning how to ride my bike without the training wheels.. My dad was waiting at the bottom of a hill on the street in West Seattle where i grew up, and my Uncle Rick took me to the top of the hill and got me going. The scariest part (at first) was keeping my ballance.. and then when i figured out that my pedals (instead of breaking, adn stopping the bike) when i pedeled backwards only had me peddaling backwards..and the bike still hurling full speed down this hill.. I flew past dad screaming and he had to run after me adn tackle me to the ground before I ran right into busy street traffic. NOT FUN. I didn't really like riding my bike after that.
my word verification is CREWSUPE that makes me hungry.
I love you. I missss you! one month and I'll be the happiest girl in the world. I may just float away.
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