I finally have had my fill of roo sightings. On the train to Violet town I saw like 20 roos in a field being chased by two floppy doggies. It was the cutest thing ever! And now where I am staying there are plenty of roos, wallabies, and parrots. The massive hills behind the house kind of remind of The Hills Have Eyes sometimes, but more beautiful (lots of wildlife), less scary (no inbred cannibals). My host used to own a restaurant that served local seasonal foods, so she is an amazing cook. I am definitely taking some recipes home with me. Tonight we are going to go see some Tibetan monks play music. Yesterday I got to watch them make a sand mandala and it was the most incredible thing ever. The finished thing looks like this:

But the way they do it is beautiful too. The monks pour millions of grains of sand from traditional metal funnels called chakpur. This website shows the process: http://www.artnetwork.com/Mandala/gallery.html
Anyways, I have to get back to work. Love love!
Roo-ed out huh Doesn't sound like too bad of a thing. Sounds like some good eats are in store!
Aww Suzye you're the cutest cute. I miss you so. When you come home you'll have to share some recipes with me. I'm domesticating myself over here. I sing to the gorgeous plant's every day.. the Cumin smells SO GOOD and I love everylast leaf...
missin you hella babe
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