Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I leave tomorrow morning for Uganda! I seriously can't wait to be camping out for hours on a plane with some good books and nothing to do but read them! Over the weekend I got to go to Colfax and Washtukna to see Randall's family and have an early thanksgiving. Randy and I hung out with his friend John who took us out in his Gator (which is this like 6 wheeled mini car that can go straight up cliffs and over bushes, its crazy, I thought it was a riding lawnmower at first but its totally not) and almost killed us on this trecherous slope. Randy drove straight up it (and I mean it was like straight up) even though John had never made it up before, and I was fucking terrified but somehow we made it. It was really beautiful out there, all the trees were different colors. I really wish I had my camera with me.

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