Monday, May 11, 2009


I can't believe my trip is nearing its end! 2 months really isn't that long. I have a newfound respect for biodynamic farming. I actually got to see how amazingly fast seeds germinate right before the full moon! The baby plants went from seed to one inch tall in 4 freaking days. My parents just sent me an email saying that they saw in the news that this town in Queensland is getting overrun by giant spiders. "In a scene that could almost be out of a B-grade monster movie, giant spiders have invaded Bowen. For about six weeks, residents have reported seeing huge bird-eating spiders crawling around their backyards and gardens. Most grow to be the size of a man’s hand." So glad I'm not wwoofing there right now. I did see the most enormous toad the other day. This toad was bigger than both my hands combined, probably about the size of a softball. I have pictures, oh yes, but this computer won't let me post them on blogger.

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